Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Yes, as a matter of fact, I *am*...

Just a little snippet of the sideshow at the North Atlantic Council meeting (late) yesterday:

Dmitry Rogozin, Russia’s representative to Nato, said that the west was hypocritical in condemning Moscow for its aggression while supporting Mikheil Saakashvili, Georgia’s president. Mr Rogozin condemned Mr Saakashvili as a “war criminal” who had bombarded civilians and Russian soldiers in South Ossetia, provoking Moscow’s intervention.

Mr Rogozin added that if Nato had already accepted Georgia as a full member, then the western alliance and Russia would now be at war.

“Are you ready to risk your prosperity and risk your lives and the lives of your children for the sake of Saakashvili?” Mr Rogozin asked correspondents in Brussels.

citation above from the FT

**Personal Note to D. Rogozin from here.**

Now first of all, Rogozin, pick a different damn hypocritical act. There are plenty out there and *that* sure isn't one of them.

Second of all, Rogozin, threatening an entire political bloc is rarely the wisest of moves when they have the means (if not currently the will) to take your whole pathetic house of cards down around your ears.

And lastly, Rogozin, pack your bags. Because if I ever have seen a "diplomat" more deserving of Persona Non Grata declaration, it was because they were actually not diplomats. But here's a refresher course for you:

Under the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations Article 9, a receiving State may "at any time and without having to explain its decision" declare any member of a diplomatic staff persona non grata. A person so declared is considered unacceptable and is usually recalled to his or her home nation. If not recalled, the receiving State "may refuse to recognize the person concerned as a member of the mission."

-- wiki-p on diplomatic protocols. I chose that because they have it in Russian for you too. Here it is.

Yes, NATO is a supranational organization; yes, the same rules about accreditation apply there, and you know that.

Oh, and before you go... answer your "Are you ready...?" question...

Yes, as a matter of fact, I *am* quite ready.

Are you?

Now don't let the doorknob hit you in the ass on your way out.


KC-Fresno, Ca. said...

Way to go LDG - Now that I can understand!!!!

Purr said...

I AM SO SICK OF ALL this insisting to Russia as they still are in Georgia and capturing soldiers-- stealing Humvees--
Putin is basically giving everyone the finger!

Purr said...

I just read your Rogazin post again-

this is soooooooooo funny!!!!!

Persona Non Grata in Russian! LOL

Purr said...


Marie said...

Developing news: I'm putting it here because it has to do with the entire mess in Europe:

Russia Says Response to U.S. Missile Shield Deal With Poland Will Go Beyond Diplomacy

Russia is threatening?

L.Douglas Garrett said...

Being that diplomacy has been *so* successful for the Russians so far, it was no big prediction to guess what is coming next:

Big Words. Care to back them up?

...because there is just enough name-and-shame going on inside the NATO camp right now that even the usual appeasers are not winning any debates...

...and the entire "eastern" half of NATO has all kinds of 'Payback for Yalta' in mind. You want to talk about redrawing borders...

...fine by us. Let's just set this little UN thing aside and get to it, Ivan.

L.Douglas Garrett said...


yes, that is just what they are doing.

Marie said...

'Payback for Yalta'. That was probably one of the most heinous moments in our history, when Europe was carved up like a haunch of meat, without consideration for the people there. Perhaps a wrong will be righted.

L.Douglas Garrett said...


not just Europe, I would add.

Purr said...

I am over here now--

I have to read about the Yalta Conference as you and Marie are quite the historians here-

Off the wall here-- what does Israel have to say about Russia?

Purr said...

Belarus- from Adam's

re: considering Belarus President A. Lukashenko has been in off-and-on negotiations to reintegrate the country with Russia, and Russia already runs the defenses at the strategic level… you be the judge.

You just answered my question-- another pawn here to be played!

L.Douglas Garrett said...


re: Belarus -- that's about it. a pawn.

re: Israel and Russia -- that is a love-hate relationship. lots of ties between them, but lots of reasons to really dislike one another as well.

Why do you ask?

Purr said...

I was wondering since the US is trying to get a grip on its friends, if Israel is somewhere in the picture?

do you know who this guy is? (He was mentioned in what I am reading- Yalta Conference)

William Christian Bullitt, Jr.'s thesis prophesied the "flow of the Red amoeba into Europe".

L.Douglas Garrett said...

Well, there is a bit of a triangle happening...

Israel was one of the bigger suppliers to Georgia, but suspended trade/training at Russian request last month...

but Russia has been welcoming Syria again, and offering more arms there...

...and the Americans (who have only modest pull over the Israelis, actually) are pointing out that appeasing Russia isn't helping.

If Israel decides it is more valuable to Israel to take a side, they will. If they decide to play both sides, they will to some degree. So goes being "friends" with Israel. Israel's needs come first.

now then, about William Christian Bullitt, Jr. -- let me look. The name doesn't immediately spring to mind. Pre-WWII writings...

Purr said...

no chara about that triangle!

where I am headed with my questions is do you see a bigger war coming out of this?

re: William-- I like his "red amoeba.."

L.Douglas Garrett said...

Got him. FDR's first ambassador to the Soviet Union and former Wilsonian... his world view rearranged by the experiences leading up to WWII, and was not quite all there after that. guess having his faith in communism turned upside down opened his eyes a bit.

L.Douglas Garrett said...

re: bigger war

The realistic threat of a bigger war is the only thing that will give the Russians any pause. Once you have their attention, then consider negotiating.

re: red amoeba

It is a great quote, but don't give the guy too much credit. Much more credible observations of how carnivorous the Socialist Internationale was were around from the late 'teens, and mostly proven true by the 'thirties. Just ask Finland, for one easy example.

Purr said...

I just read that about Williams-- as I was curious too--

well Russia needs a real threat instead of all this skirting around? I get the feeling Russia is having a field day-- thumbing their nose...

Purr said...

chara-- it is 5:00 a.m. there--

I better let you rest so you can come back and play--

I need to run some errands-- I am going to stop by the post office as well and see what gives!

rest well-


Purr said...

Now you have me reading about Finland--

Socialist International-- is this what you made reference to-

is a Trotskyist organisation in Finland.

Purr said...

I will get back to this Finland topic later my evening--

I never think about Finland!!!!!

how about posting a question here for me? step-wise-- so I can slowly look it up instead of trying to pull up sites to quick read?

L.Douglas Garrett said...


Start with the Second International, 1889 and go from there. the one you mention is a shallow successor.

the mention of Finland is a little matter of the Winter War, 1939.

Look up both of those if you want to get the background I was alluding to.

As to an exercise. sorry nothing further today. My time is past gone. I might have gotten something up later, but you'll be away, so best we wait.

Purr said...

thanks LDG!


Purr said...
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Purr said...
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Purr said...

I fixed it LDG! I figured it out!

going to post here to see if the profile is now corrected-

Marie said...

Note: There was a link on BLACKFIVE to this web page:

According to Blackfive, Michael Totten sneaked into Georgia and will be filing reports. Michael says there will be a long report this weekend. Might be good to monitor his blog to get an inside look.

L.Douglas Garrett said...

Michael J. Totten is a must read. I encourage all to make time for his work.

On to other matters...

Fredrick Kagen has continued to run his backgrounder (with his excellent Russian-language sourcing). It can be found *HERE*

Note that he is no cheerleader for either side, which can make for pretty bleak reading if you are of a partisan opinion.

L.Douglas Garrett said...

Oh, Reuters...

...I had such hopes that you had gone back into the business of "reporting" rather than trying to be a shill for the enemies of civilization...

...but even in your wilfull effort to let 'ol D. Rogozin try to make nice in the media, you useful idiots managed to let slip...

Moscow's representation at NATO later said Rogozin was being recalled to Moscow for emergency consultations on a response to NATO's recent criticism of Russia.

That would be "...recalled before he got his useless carcass expelled". Good. Maybe a little time to reconsider his words yesterday will help his re-application to return.

Marie said...

Peters column:

L.Douglas Garrett said...

RFE/RL is reporting some withdrawal underway, but not everywhere.

Promising, but more promising is the opinion (mentioned in the article) that even with all the destruction and military reversals, Georgia *may* come out of this stronger in the mid-to-long term.

The Long Game, of course, is all that really matters.