Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Midweek open thread

...because even living my lifestyle, Tuesday is no longer the weekend.

Today's sad news item, our friend and comment-writer Susan has suffered the loss of Tomasa, her beloved dog. Tomasa would have been 16 years old. My condolences, Susan.

Otherwise this is an open thread.

The usual rules apply.


L.Douglas Garrett said...

This goes over here instead of in the ongoing Georgia thread because:

.It's an Opinion piece wider than just that topic.
.The incredible smack to the head of New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson is just priceless all by itself.

George Will's column for 12. August

Marie said...

I laughed when I heard that remark, mainly out of incredulity that someone who had been at the UN could say something so stupid!!

maxkon88 said...

At least Tomasa is with Susan's father now.

Purr said...

thank you LDG--

Looks like I have a lot of catching up to do!

will be back on this tomorrow evening!

The Morales thread caught my attention-- I need to catch up on this-- elections were Sunday, I believe--

The President from Georgia will be talking to Glenn Beck tonight-- I am definitely watching this--

so much here to read~

And yes, Max-- there is always a happy ending-

Karl Reisman said...

Real Genius assassination weapon comes to life


Hot Air's take