Sunday, August 3, 2008

Sunday Morning Push

Well, it is still Sunday morning somewhere...

There is no new discussion thread for today, mostly to allow me time to work on the Weekly piece (it'll be the first one, so it needs to set the standard).

Lots of things left to do with the existing discussion threads, and I'll be around to comment on them too. If that isn't enough, there is still the Weekend Open for you all to make your own fun.

Sure is great to see folks wander by. Muchly appreciated!

Administration note: It does seem that blogspot does not allow links in comments by default... *new discovery!* But wait, if you use the "a" function in HTML tags, like this:

(replace {} with <> to make this functional)
{a href="http://the URL you want/"}some words{/a} get a hot link. Yay.

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