Friday, August 22, 2008

Weekend open thread

'Tis Friday and the days of rest come. If that rest includes posting comments, well then here is your place to do so.

caveat: the usual rules remain, only the topic is open.

I know, I'm stating the obvious again.


Karl Reisman said...

Ohama picks Biden.. Not good for him. In all honesty of this was a serious party full of adults, Obama should have picked Bill Richardson

Mr. Bill said...

Why Richardson?

L.Douglas Garrett said...

Yeah, what he said...

"Why Richardson?"

...cause I see picking J. Biden as a pretty good attempt to add depth.

Marie said...

putting this here so it doesn't get lost.

Marie said...

As for choosing Biden,it was the only thing he could do to add gravitas... even though I dislike Biden immensely. He may have foreign policy experience, but lacks diplomacy!

Purr said...

ditto to the remark about Liden and foreign policy! He just needs to curb his mouth! LOL

although, polls read not to Obama's favor-- but then this is subject to change every day!

Purr said...


I copied your link and pasted and no results--

is this the radio free europe?

L.Douglas Garrett said...

Here's that RFE/RL link from Marie, done as a hot link:

Scripted Affair

Purr said...

Hillary Clinton is happy with Obama's choice- lol

Purr said...

thank you!!! good article--

months in the works-- baiting!

Anonymous said...

Well Biden basically loses the south and the west, for the "gravitas" of putting an Eastern Establishment gloss on his campaign. but in doing so he may lose enough of the edges of his constituencies to impact the election. With Biden, you lose the Kossacks, the Anti-war left because he wrote the authorization on the invasion of Iraq. On the right, he was the author of the Assault Weapons ban and has a solid F rating from the NRA. Also Biden is yet another senator, with even less touch with the outside world than McCain. McCain was class of 1980. Biden was Class of 1972. We now have three senators, and no executive experience going into this.

With Richardson, Obama would have gottn a Solid performer who is NOT anti-gun, who has been a fairly popular Governor as well as cabinet level work experience. He's by no means charismatic, but he would have brought experience, the west, and perhaps a Hispanic bump to the campaign.

Now I do hope Obama does go in for a crushing defeat, and I have to confes I am pretty much still a single issue voter on the subject of private firearms ownership, and most other priorities descend from that in order of importance, But Biden while not an idiot, is tone deaf, Gaffe prone, elitist, and has some connections to the Credit Card Industry.

Mr. Bill said...

I'm not sure how McCain's choice of Mitt Romney is any better as far as winning the vote in the South & West. And using the "elitist" label on Senator Biden is is just this side of ludicrous, in my opinion, when you stand him up against Senator McCain and Governor Romney.

L.Douglas Garrett said...

"...using the "elitist" label on Senator Biden is is just this side of ludicrous..."

agreed. J. Biden may be lots of bad things, but that isn't one of them.

...were M. Romney to be J.McCain's pick, you would have something there, Mr. Bill.

Or is this an insidiously clever way of showing us your inside connection to the McCain campaign's yet-to-be-public decisions?

((yes, joking in the "or..." part. no harm intended))

L.Douglas Garrett said...

Patterico 'blog on "why pick Biden?"

It's not about Foreign Policy...

Mr. Bill said...

Or is this an insidiously clever way of showing us your inside connection to the McCain campaign's yet-to-be-public decisions?

Just a very strong rumor mill. Of course, he could still pick the Independent senator from Israe-- er, Connecticut.

Purr said...

You all probably know this but I did not-- slow here!

August 28th-- Democratic National Convention-

last time one was held at a stadium was in JFK's time where he had his at the LA Memorial Coliseum and Martin Luther King's memorable speech was on August 28-

Too much C-SPAN last night! I listened to several acceptance speeches- starting from Truman--

Ted Kennedy's speech challenging Jimmy Carter in 1980 put me to sleep!

Purr said...

Moi thinks Biden was picked because

1) age
2) Roman Catholic
3) Knows about overseas politics-

if Romney gets picked to be McCain's running mate, I wonder if he will not accept his salary as he stated while campaigning for President. McCain could give his up too and they both can sock it into the economy-- (The Susan household) LOL

Purr said...

McCain is pleased with Obama's selection--

Nice to see he overlooked the Biden comment yesterday about which of the seven kitchen tables does McCain sit at to discuss world problems-- Kind of a tacky comment, I thought when I heard it- McCain's wealth via Cindy is not new news! Hell, I would have married her and her $100 million!

Mr. Bill said...

McCain's wealth via Cindy is not new news!

It's not the wealth itself that's news, it's the perception that Senator McCain is out of touch with how the rest of us live because of his and his wife's vast holdings.

For instance, do you know how many homes you own, either for living in yourself or rental property? Senator McCain had to refer a question about that to his staff. Do you know what kind of car you drive? Ditto about referring the question to his staff.

Senator Obama's campaign aired a commercial stating that Senator McCain owns seven homes. I've seen reports that suggest the number is closer to eleven. It's not a question of why he needs that many residences, it's a question of why doesn't he know how many he has.

Purr said...

mr. bill

with that much money hanging around him, I could have figured out he has many homes- so why even does Obama even go there-- but yes, McCain is definitely padded-- and don't think I like him- I can't stand the man! He dumped his disabled wife- fell in love with Cindy in one night while in Hawaii, married her within a month of his divorce- HE IS NOT FROM AZ- probably lied about his involvment with Keating- came fifth from the bottom while in the naval academy- too much partying- Whacked a few planes while learning how to fly because he was cocky-- and on and on!
And don't forget Cindy-- stealing pills as she was addicted to pain pills-- I have wondered how she is going to handle the White House stress!

Whether he has seven or eleven homes, probably more than that... I could care less-- I know his wife has $100 million and who do I know that has that much money-- nadie!

And it was ridiculous he had to make that comment about asking the staff! He was too embarrassed to disclose the truth for he knew he would get hit with his wealth! Did you see those homes? wowie!

to be honest with you--this whole campaigning thing has been nothing but a joke and it so happens it is for real! How sad! One of these two is going to be the President!

It is the wait and see-- Superbowl time!

Purr said...

mr. bill-

this is a true story-- a friend of mine, Rob King, lived across the street from the Hensley's-- One day Rob and his brothers were outside talking to Cindy and Cindy's father walked outside and told her to get back inside- he then told the King boys she was not allowed to play with them because in the future she was going to be the President's wife!

I have always wondered how much of an influence Cindy's father has had on McCain--

It was never fully released how much money Cindy's father gave to Keating either in that Keating Five scandal--

L.Douglas Garrett said...

There are two ways to win a seat in the Senate, I was told:

.Build a career based on being utterly beholden to representing a vital political interest in your state.

.Marry said interest.


Marie said...

An interesting turn of events. Front page of the BBC on line.

Russian MPs back Georgia.

Purr said...


grinning at your comment on how to win two seats on the Senate-

Marie-- I need to go find your news!

KC-Fresno, Ca. said...

I in no way believe Senator McCain is or was out of touch with how the rest of us live regarding his real estate holdings.
I believe he knows exactly how many homes they have or own and I feel his answer to the question asked was very humble. No matter how he answered it, he was going to get slammed by the media. Actually, it is none of our business how many homes ANYONE has - it has nothing to do with running our Country.
Many of us have more than one home, and it has to do with saving wisely, making investments, needing a tax break, etc. etc.

I wonder - did anyone ask John Kerry and his Ketchup wife how many homes they owned????