Saturday, August 9, 2008

August 9th discussion topic

Looks like in amongst the usual mis-steps and idealistic hopes that dominate the efforts of the U.S. Department of State, some small moment of good sense has prevailed regarding the Six Party Talks on North Korea.

from Kyodo, via The AP, via Breitbart

Key Point:

The belatedly delivered and likely still incomplete North Korean letter on the status and composition of their nuclear weapons program will not be accepted without a verification regime, and North Korea will *not* be delisted from the List of State Sponsors of Terrorism until that system is in place. Great news this, as the Bush Administration had actually cleared the hurdles for a delisting any time after Sunday (tomorrow).

Open Ground:

The two issues, Nuclear Armaments Proliferation and State Support of Terror, have been linked in the Six Party Talks, along with a plethora of other issues. The lead U.S. negotiator, Christopher Hill, has been reviled in some quarters as "Kim Jong Hill" for allowing almost any topic the North Koreans want to be linked in... Is this the way to go? Is the U.S. looking for a complete diplomatic solution to the problem of relations with North Korea, or just playing along to get progress on the nuclear issue? And of course, the big issue: do you actually think the North Koreans will ever actually live up to any agreement they sign on to?

Dig in!


Purr said...

Do I think North Korea will live up to its agreements?

I will go by the facts-- North Korea finally submitted "a long-delayed declaration of its nuclear program" and incomplete-- This was supposed to have been delivered last December-

No, I don't think North Korea will live up to its agreements-- A leopard doesn't change its spots! How many friends does North Korea have to back them up?

US is playing along--

As a personal thought-- I bet Bush can't wait to get out of office-

Karl Reisman said...

Well, what's to be done other than to stand there and tap our foot and check our watch? I don't think we are going to cave this time, at least before the election. Until then we still should be stopping KFR shipping on the high seas.

Purr said...
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