Wednesday, September 3, 2008

The time has come to make a choice...

With American Vice President R. Cheney on the first leg of his Caucasia tour, it seems timely to discuss some choices that are likely on the table right now.

*Here* is the AFP report on Cheney's visit.

Choice number one is "How far to go in supporting the nations outside Russia's control in Caucasia and along the Black Sea?".

The New York Times says Pour in the money will be the method.

They also report *here* that the Republic of Georgia is looking for major support to rebuild their military capabilities.

But with: Turkey playing "straddle the fence" right now; Russia again working in Armenia to try to counter American influence in Azerbaijan; *and* the supposedly loyal party of Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko having just pulled a parliamentary revolt (joining with V. Yanukovych's Russian-front-group Party of Regions) against President Viktor Yushchenko in Ukraine...

...Choice number two is gaining some traction.

That would be the "horse-trading" scheme that has shown up in a couple of discussions of things by supposed "administration realists":

Give the Russians what they want in Caucasia. Get in return cooperation and accommodation on efforts to remove the nuclear threats in North Korea and Iran.


...there are people high up in Western Governments that still think that sort of thing can be negotiated, and that it is a good thing, and that it will "work".


Seems to me getting Tymoshenko to stay bought is more likely, cheaper, and more rewarding in the long run than depending on the Russians to make our problems go away.

And if the Iran issue is to be resolved, *really resolved*, that is going to take a lot more than just getting Ivan to stand aside and politely applaud.


L.Douglas Garrett said...

Dr. Friedman at STRATFOR sees choices needed as well, but frames things a bit differently than I do.

You can read *this* STRATFOR article without paying for the service.

Read it all, as it is long and the real choices and his take on them comes fairly late.

L.Douglas Garrett said...

The Bush Administration makes the US$1Billion Economic Aid Package offer to the Republic of Georgia official:

From The AP on this

Will said...

I don't see any trade working out in the best interest of the US. When has giving in to a bully ever resulted in anything but reaching for another bite?

If we didn't learn our lesson from Chaimberlain (and those who came before him) then we are looking at a very grim future indeed.

L.Douglas Garrett said...

Details released on the Aid Package

released by the White House

also via FOXNews Urgent Queue, SecState Rice statement on the package:

'Not yet the time to look at the question of military assistance'

ok ma'am, if you say so...

L.Douglas Garrett said...


special for you, even though a bit off-topic

J. Muravchik at Commentary Magazine on 'Talking'

h/t: Richard Fernandez, yesterday, at the Belmont Club on this item.

Purr said...

Is Tymoshenko backing out of the Presidential races?

It is going to cost billions to rebuild their military-- and of course Congress has to approve- tick tock, tick tock!