Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Just one word.

There is now a power-sharing agreement in place in Zimbabwe (Rhodesia), placing several Cabinet seats in the hands of the MDC party and giving the Prime Ministry to M. Tsvangirai. R. Mugabe continues to hold the Presidency and command of the military. There have already been hopeful noises out of the "new" government that foreign aid will return.

But just to keep things in perspective, Prime Minister, I suggest you keep one word in mind as you go forth...

just one word, a Shona word...



Mr. Bill said...

For the less-worldly-than-LDG: Gukurahundi

L.Douglas Garrett said...

@mr. bill

((big grin))

I did check with a couple search engines before I published, just to be sure folks could find it.

Karl Reisman said...

oh.. that's not a nice thought.

I heard this talked about on the Radio, and I looked it over and saw that Mugabe retains command of the military, So Morgan Tsvangarai has some control, but then how much of the Marxist infrastructure can the opposition peel away to get the economy to recover. Commerce thrives undeer the stability fo the rule of law, but that seems to be an anathema to Mugabe.


Purr said...

mr bill-- thanks for the link-- and yes, I am one of those-- the less-wordly--

this Gukurahundi incident sounds like an ethnic cleansing--

found this one too-


Purr said...

as of today, Mugabe and political rivals are still disagreeing on how to share the Cabinet posts....

Mugabe is 84?

L.Douglas Garrett said...

re: 84

yes, correct.

re: ethnic cleansing

more like political cleansing. Stalin's purges should come to mind.

Purr said...

there you go-- political cleansing-