Monday, July 6, 2009

The Weekly N&C for July 6th, 2009

***The Weekly is on hold while the queue of current events runs down***

For those of you who are fans of The Weekly for its historical context items, here are a couple of Birthday remembrances from recent days for you to investigate at your leisure:

June 5th... Cecil John Rhodes. (You had to know I'd mention this one)

The Cape to Cairo Railroad plan; the successful counterclaim against Portuguese efforts to span Southern Africa with colonial holdings; and in his will, the Rhodes Scholarship.

June 6th... John Paul Jones.

For all practical purposes, the founder of the United States Navy; Captain of the Ranger and the Bon Homme Richard (Bonhomme Richard); Probably as famous on the Island of Texel, North Holland, as in the U.S.A.; The American memorial to him stands in West Potomac Park of Washington D.C.

(Links intentionally not provided to encourage your own efforts)

Enjoy your selves!

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