Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Still about 700 more to rescue.

Once the epic tale of rescuing Íngrid Betancourt and 14 others ran its course in the news cycle, there hasn't been much reported on the other 700+ hostages still in the hands of the FARC.

The Colombian Army is still out trying, and once in while there is a success.

Let's not allow this to disappear in amongst the distractions of the daily news.


L.Douglas Garrett said...

On a related note, the GovColombia has issued a statement collaborated by the GovMexico on the growing ties between the FARC and the Mexican drug cartels.

from the AP

Suggestions of a broader cooperation against the narco's... Could be a very good thing given the way some OAS members have chosen to go.

Purr said...

still more about 700...

thanks for the update-- I am sooo happy this man was released-

your article--FARC and Mexico- of course, this comes to me as no surprise- I am a bit surprised the candidates have not talked about border security as this to me is an important issue as it has to do with national security- as we well know FARC extends itself beyond just the borders here-