Thursday, October 16, 2008

It's bad if it is true, worse if it is not.

Reports in from Colombia tell of protests by Native Peoples against the central government's land and rights policy turning violent. Not only are there reports of protests and injuries, but...

A Senior Police Official claims FARC infiltrators in the protest movement are using the opportunity to plant bombs on transportation lines.

That is, obviously, a bad thing if it is true. In fairness, it probably is true. If it is a fabrication though, it is worse because Colombia has worked so hard to become a nation of laws again.

Let's look for some confirmation on this in other sources.


L.Douglas Garrett said...

Requests from sources have brought in this reply:

Hola [NAME REDACTED], no quise responderte hasta averiguar. Me respondieron lo siguiente:

"Efectivamente las manifestaciones fueron reprimidas de manera fuerte (cosa que no estoy de acuerdo) pero en ella detuvieron a personas de diferentes nacionalidades como por ejemplo francia y alemania. ¿que hacian estas personas dentro de la manifestaciones?

El gobierno de Colombia tiene la presunción de que la mano de Chavez esta detras utilizando a la personas de otros paises para que no lo relacionen, la idea es desestabilizar politicamente a colombia".

Esa misma persona me dijo lo siguiente:

"Como te dije en el mail donde me preguntabas que sucedera, te respondi que irse a otro país es solo ganar un poco de tiempo. Estoy convencido que si cae Colombia cae Panama, como ya esta pasando en el Salvador y Honduras con los Nicaraguences".

Puedes confiar 100% en lo que me dice esta persona. Sabe muchísimo.


In summary, the violence happened as reported, but in the crackdown agitators of French and German nationality were identified (detained?). They appeared to be operatives, apparently intended as deniable.

The respondent also asserts a Chavez role in agitating the protests, and in the later part of the reply hypothesizes as to the goals of such destablizing activities vs. Colombia (and Panama).

L.Douglas Garrett said...

I am still looking for confirmation on any explosives having been planted.