Friday, October 17, 2008

Let's not be letting the Iranians on the UNSC

The vote in the General Assembly comes Friday (today) and there are seven candidate countries up for the five 2-year seats.

Uganda is the sole candidate for the Africa allocation; Mexico is the sole candidate for the Latin America allocation; Austria, Iceland and Turkey are in for the two WE&O seats...

and in the Asia region, the candidates for the single seat are Japan and Iran.

Yes, Japan has selfish political reasons for wanting to be back on the Council.

Fortunately that meshes nicely with keeping one of the most hostile governments in the world off the list.


L.Douglas Garrett said...


Japan wins the Asia seat!

L.Douglas Garrett said...

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Will said...

Thank God. Or Allah, I'm easy.

The UN is largely decorative right now, but we don't need to be granting any more legitimacy to theocratic autocracies.

Karl Reisman said...

So what would be the "Selfish Political Reasons" for japan's desire for the seat on the U.N.S.C.?


L.Douglas Garrett said...


Those would be that Japan is one of the four counties with a vested interest in UNSC restructuring to create more permanent members. It is the old "we pay the bills, so we should call the shots" argument.

L.Douglas Garrett said...

And now, in the "aw, poor baby" department:

Iran claims they lost because of 'intollerance'.

Well, I for one am intollerant of the current regime in Iran. Big surprise there.