Wednesday, October 15, 2008

"Kill them" would be a valid tactic as well.

The Times (UK) is carrying a story today on how the Royal Navy will actually be allowed to fight the Somali Pirates.

Good news, there is to be new legislation authorizing the following:
The Royal Navy is to be given the power to seize and arrest suspected pirates in the Gulf of Aden under new emergency legislation, senior defence sources have disclosed.

Bad news, besides the MoD and the FCO having a hand in drafting said legislation:
The proposed legislation, which is being studied by the Department of Transport...

Maybe they think they can stop the pirates with sufficient paperwork.

Good grace, this really isn't that hard. These are pirates attacking high seas commerce. Kill them.


Will said...

I think it's time for some Q ships frankly.

Mr. Bill said...

Too bad neither of the Royal Sons chose their father's military path, else they could use attacking the Somali pirates as an excuse for a recruiting tool & media feeding frenzy.

Purr said...

Hopefully, this emergency legislation goes through as your article posted states how the pirates are becoming bolder-- T0O dangerous for my perspective~

do I need to bring my pangas?

L.Douglas Garrett said...


Damn straight. Long as we are dreaming a bit, I'd also rather enjoy being given a week and about a 500 man SBU with the authority to start at the Somaililand eastern border and sweep the whole coastline 'round the horn as far as my week's time and ammunition would allow. Would be hard to justify though given hostage losses.

The is some really amusing side chatter around about the best way to do Q-ships, but my favorite was the attack helicopters based on oil-platorm service vessels put under temporary commision brought down from the Gulf, because when the Battle Ensign went up and the pirates headed for the horizon, pursuit was possible.

(Note to others:
An SBU is a generic "special boat unit"; a force that uses gunboats, raiding teams, and barge-lightered helicopter gunships. I doubt there is a 500 man SBU operating whole-force anywhere in the world)

L.Douglas Garrett said...

@mr. bill

I do believe both of Their Royal Highnesses are presently serving.

How about we send the media and recruiters to attack, and let TRH's do the reporting?

L.Douglas Garrett said...


only if you are good with them in self-defense. Otherwise, this job calls for a bit more firepower...

...the Iwo Jima ESG comes to mind.

Mr. Bill said...

If someone you know has half a million dollars burning a hole in his pocket, he could take it upon himself, assuming he could get qualified crew, fuel & ammunition, to go pirate hunting. I should think 56 torpedoes could do a lot of damage.

L.Douglas Garrett said...

@mr. bill

Hehhehheh, we're having some guilty fun now, I think. Sorry, but the right to issue Letters of Marque was relinquished by all signatory States to the Declaration annex of the Treaty of Paris (1856)

Seriously, there are ways and some PSC's (I do so love that euphemism for mercenaries) who are considering providing *active* route and vessel security, but I doubt a submarine warship would be the platform of choice given the type of vessels used by the pirates.

Will said...

Mmmmmm! Attack helicopters!

The thought of helicopter gunships as part of the dream anti-piracy force is perfect. If they have enough range they could follow the boats back to base...

The hostage loss would be awful, but I suppose you could game it by maneuvering the pirates into killing them off first and *then* send in your choppers.