Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Canadian "Coup" and "Countercoup"

In one of those things that can happen in a parliamentary system, but probably should not...

All the parties except the Conservatives (even the ones that have been part of the governing coalition) have signed on to a Liberal-led bit of trickery where they promise to support a Liberal administration *if* the current government can be brought down. That means that while the Conservatives are by far the largest party (having gained ~37% of the total vote; at 143 seats they are 12 seats short of an outright majority), the Liberals with only 76 seats could at least on paper have what outside support is needed to form a government.

The answer, it seems, is two-fold:
Both sides are fighting a no-holds-barred battle for public opinion.
and Mr. Harper is considering
an unprecedented request to prorogue Parliament to avoid a confidence vote that could defeat his government next Monday.
Seems two can play at parliamentary games, eh?

1 comment:

L.Douglas Garrett said...

S. Harper has gained the permission of the Governor-General to prorogue Parliament until 26.Jan 2009.

This is going to be interesting...