Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Verification unverified

It may simply be another round of North Korean gamesmanship, or it could be a serious indictment of the conduct of the latest round of negotiations...

North Korea says they never agreed to any sample-taking.

Sure glad we got that in writing before letting them off the List of Terror Supporting Nations, right?



Purr said...
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L.Douglas Garrett said...


Seems that the North Korean government is playing the abductee card again:

Report of N.K. reps hinting at there being more abductees.

Purr said...

I wonder those eight that died out of the 17, died how?

this is just awful-- playing with human lives as pawns for negotiations!!! What kind of mentality is this??

Japan has so much class and North Korea's bad boys are nothing but low lifes!!!!

This really makes me angry-- to see people being used-- the fear these people must have-- Instead of abducting good people, why not focus on improving their country-- is not North Korea hurting in many ways? food shortages, poor living conditions, etc...

I have a lot of catching up to do I see--

I am deleting my first comment-- I get so angry when I hear about North Korea, Venezuela, Russia, Iran-- etc and etc-- HOW CAN PEOPLE BE SO CRUEL!!!!! So power hungry--- so controlling---