Wednesday, November 19, 2008

The International Election Observers Should Like This...

Just a brief reminder that Venezuela holds local elections on the 23rd of this month, and about 130 foreign election observers from the OAS and various non-governmental groups are invited.

...and if H. Chavez rolls out the tanks like he says he might, that should be make for some interesting Observer reports, to say the least.


K2 said...

Election day will be interesting...sure hope Chavez's opposition is able to win the states elections. It would be interesting to see how many Venezuelans are now anti-Chavez. But, we may never know. Ironic how Chavez always accuses his rivals of plotting to assassinate him!

L.Douglas Garrett said...


It certainly will be.

*Here* is a fairly good series of reports on the election, with a number of posts on polling data.

"Daniel" is usually very good with his sources, so this may well be a pretty accurate measure of support and opposition.