Saturday, November 8, 2008


I am at a loss for a polite way to comment on *this*, Monsieur Président de la République française.

Hopefully something more meaningful will happen on the 10th at the EU Foreign Ministers meeting.

A faint hope, I well know.


Marie said...

Did you ever really think the EU would not cozy up to Russia? All of Russia's neighbors are expendable; a source of oil and gas is not!

L.Douglas Garrett said...

If it was Germany doing the cozying, I would be less troubled, given their self-inflicted dependency.

While France has a large demand for petroleum fuels for motor transport and industry, they are the shining example of Nuclear Power for electricity. Roughly 87% of total electric generation is from Nuclear, enough that France is the world's largest net exporter of electricity.

Sure, there is a tie there, but there are historical ties as well, presumptions regarding certain matters, and well... politics.

Hm... why is it that an image of the Triple Intervention (1895) comes to mind?

Marie said...

Hm... why is it that an image of the Triple Intervention (1895) comes to mind?

Perhaps because it's the same players (minus Japan). There has to be more to this than is apparent at this time. Wonder what?

Perhaps France's dependence is not that great, but it was France and Germany that were against the pathway to NATO membership for Georgia and Ukraine. Germany and France look out for each other and probably both have a lot invested in deals with Russia. Wouldn't want to rile the bear! Usually it's politics and the bottom line.
How come you're not resting?

L.Douglas Garrett said...


I think I was focusing on the fact that the same three players in that historical case used a situation to: weaken a perceived upstart rival; each also grabbed up a bit of the prize for themselves (although France not so much, then). Is this all really about economic gain by a few at the cost of economic and political instability to the Eastern European many?

The EU might endure such risk-taking... NATO would not; it would fall... which would leave Germany where (again)?


"How come you're not resting?" -- Matters beyond my control are messing with my usually restful Saturday night.