Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Kivu Cease-Fire in Name Only

Given the number of factional players all contributing to the violence in the D.R. Congo's Nord-Kivu, enforcing any kind of cease-fire is a nearly insuperable challenge. Aid agencies and workers are being pulled out. For now, it seems the FARDC national army and the CNDP rebel army are holding back, but rival Mai-Mai militias are actively provoking encounters and MONUC peacekeepers are caught in between.

The diplomatic effort to reach some kind of accord is to continue as part of a regional summit being called, to be held on Friday in Kenya.


L.Douglas Garrett said...

GovRwanda statement: "Business Interests" at the root of the current problem.

L.Douglas Garrett said...

Ok, this is public now, so here it is:
Angolan Forces are now in Nord-Kivu in support of the FARDC. The GovAngola answered a call for aid made by the D.R. Congo, last week.

This is a big step along the road to a Third Congo War.