Friday, November 13, 2009

More Tourists: part 1

Oh joy, the Yanks are visiting. No, not the sports team, the President and his entourage.

They managed to fit a meeting with Hatoyama souri (Prime Minister Y. Hatoyama) into their busy day, and many words were said. One pre-negotiated* agreement was let out as a Joint Statement on Climate Change Negotiations.

Otherwise, not much. The opportunity to really make a shambles comes tomorrow, anyway: The Big Speech (tm) at 1000hrs local time; and an audience with tennou heika.

Here's the full story in Japanese, which for many of you is just an opportunity to look at the pictures. My regrets, but there's not enough there to merit posting a full translation.


note: pre-negotiated* ~ almost every "summit" agreement is long-before-the-meeting-negotiated by staffers or representatives. No complaints about that here. The rare ones that aren't are often really bad.

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