Thursday, February 19, 2009

Mobutu Sese Chavez

A little bird dropped by this fine day, and we had a bit of a chat about Venezuela...
He escuchado que se ha de eliminar el calendario gregoriano. Es decir cero carnaval, semana santa y fechas de caracter religioso para sustituirlo por fechas "emblematicas" del proceso...
It seems that Hugo Chavez is spiralling rather far off into that realm of existence where nothing is real unless the "Big Man" says it is real, and nothing need have been real previously for the "Big Man" to declare that it is real now.

to summarize: It looks like Chávez wants to eliminate the Gregorian calendar and all religious and other holidays which will be replaced by those emblematic of his "revolution".

I now fully expect him to rename himself Mobutu Sese Seko Chavez Nkuku Ngbendu Wa Za Banga.

h/t: my most wonderful Spanish-language Source Reader


Purr said...

this man just makes me sooooo angry!!!!!!!!

L.Douglas Garrett said...


I try not to be angry; it isn't like he is doing what he does to annoy me personally (at least I sure hope not!)...

I can only try to inform others of what harm the man and his cronies are engaged in, and try to somehow make things better.