Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Freedom for Iran: Mousavi makes a challenge

It is looking more and more like the "Green Movement" is gearing up for a heck of an Anniversary-of-the-Revolution party on February 11th.

The latest indication comes from M.H. Mousavi, who has now made an open challenge to the regime:
In a statement posted on his website, Mr Mousavi said the 1979 Islamic revolution had failed to achieve most of its goals.

He said politically motivated arrests of protesters were illegal and more should be done to secure people's rights.
This is not going to go over well at all with the regime, to say the least. But it may just be that the time has come for open confrontation...

History books are full of well-intended but unsuccessful insurrections. What differentiates the rare case of success is a combination of at least (1) preparation; (2) regime vulnerability; (3) an unwillingness of at least some of the authorities to crush dissent; and (4) whole lot of good fortune.

Here's hoping that those bases that can be covered are covered, and that fortune favors the insurrection.

1 comment:

Roy said...

Here is to hope. The fall of that regime would change the equation in that part of the world much for the better.