Thursday, June 18, 2009

Call for a new Int'l Force for Guinea-Bissau

Portugal and Nigeria have publicly called for a new International Force for Guinea-Bissau in the run-up to the June 28th Presidential Election there.
An international force "would be positive for Guinea-Bissau, because it would generate more confidence and more involvement of the international community," (Portugal's state news agency) Lusa reported (Portuguese Foreign Minister L.) Amado as saying on Wednesday.
As a reminder, the situation in Guinea-Bissau has been discussed *here* at CompHyp and in previous items linked through that thread.

For some independent insight into the coming Presidential Election in Guinea-Bissau, *here* is the Angus Reid Global Monitor item on the election.

If there is to be a renewed commitment to stabilizing Guinea-Bissau by the International Community, let us hope they bring more than just polling-place guards... like maybe throw open the gate for European and American Drug Enforcement agencies to help clean out the narcos...

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