Saturday, March 17, 2012

NORKs being... NORKs

Time for another verse of the North-Korea-Hokey-Pokey...

In February, for some unfathomable reason, the USA (with concurrence from Japan, South Korea and the PRC) made a package deal of resuming "de-nuclearization" discussions and of sending North Korea a bribe food aid classed as "a nutritional agreement".

This week, the North Koreans announced a blatant violation of sanctions an entirely unrelated and certainly harmless ballistic missile test satellite launch to celebrate the centenary of Kim Il-sung (Kim the First) 's birth.

This garnered a response from the diplomats of, to quote US DeptState Spokeswoman Victoria Nuland:
"If they were to go forward with this launch it is very hard to imagine how we would be able to move forward with a regime whose word we have no confidence in and who has egregiously violated its international commitments."
Which shows both that DeptState does recognize they were played for the fool *and* that anyone who thought the Kim regime's word was ever worth a dust speck of confidence just got what they deserved.

Here's YONHAP News Agency (South Korea)'s report on all this, just for second sourcing.

Although Japan is currently burdened with a government that borders on the insignificant in the ability department, I'll risk taking the same position on this missile launch as I did on the last time the NORKs lobbed one over us...


Better yet, wipe the launch facility off the face of the planet while the missile is under assembly.

Then ask what other thing they'd like to concede away for a little "nutritional agreement".


Mr. Bill said...

Better yet, wipe the launch facility off the face of the planet while the missile is under assembly.

Include a note, "Eat this".

L.Douglas Garrett said...

Give them something to chew on, eh?
